Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What Makes a Successful Home Business Entrepreneur?

This is something that many people ask me, daily.. in various forms. What EXACTLY does it take to be a successful home based business owner? How does one go about getting their home based travel business off to a quick start? How do I know that I can be as successful (or MORE successful) then all the "beautiful people" that are leading the field and experiencing massive personal and financial success in their home business?

What everyone is really asking, is WHAT do I need to do, be or have to find success in my fledgling P1D business?

Its a great question, and a very valid one for anyone to ask who is starting any kind of business.. be it a home based enterprise or not. After all, we all start business' to make money- so its appropriate to set oneself up for success before stepping up to the "start line" and diving into home based free enterprise!

I've been in business now with the Synergy Marketing Group for nearly 2 years. I started with zip, zero, ZILCH previous experience, and very few computer skills, I'm naturally shy and did have extremely low self esteem having been through a devastating series of events in my personal life. Look at me now, Ma! I'm one of the most successful people in Platinum One powered by the SMG, and so I know, absolutely without a shadow of a doubt that ANYONE can do this business.

Yes, I said anyone.. but I must qualify that. Anyone, with any previous experience, educational background, from any walk of life or any social or financial status can achieve success with a P1D business. This is truly an "equal opportunity" business, and quite literally ANYONE can get started (for as low as $148) and create a six figure income from home in year one. We know from looking at the backgrounds of the many successful home based P1D entrepreneurs, that there is no standard background.

But.. looking around from "inside" the fence, I know, absolutely that while peoples exterior backgrounds are radically different.. there are a few common factors that DO stand out, as "must have" qualities for success. These qualities can be cultivated, nurtured and expanded, for the most part.. but I have witnessed the difference that it makes having these natural inborn qualities present from Day 1, and seeing exactly how the people who are successful entrepreneurs and have SUSTAINED results usually unconsciously grow these inborn strengths and talents, and thus magnify results significantly, thus skyrocketing their success to the very top of this company. That is why..in this business, where there IS equal opportunity for success for even the "newbie" we see new names cropping up all of the time as "regular people" who acheive extraordinary results.

So then, this blog post is intended to help you, in our decision making process.. to determine not that a P1D business is the right business, but rather- IF you should be in ANY kind of business, as a self employed entrepreneur. There is a great deal of information available to help you decide if this is the business YOU are looking for. I won't even get into why this was my personal choice, and the only legitimate and sustainable home based travel business. You can read about those things, if you are interested in these blog archives. What I want to share with you here and now, are the "ingredients" that you will bring to the table as a vibrant human being with limitless potential.. that will, I believe- mean the difference between an average income in home based business and an extra-ordinary home based income.

Here are those intangible, human assets, that I believe separate the best home based business owners.. from EVERYONE ELSE!

(in no particular order)

A genuine love of people. Not someone who can "turn it on" and be charismatic and friendly for business functions/purposes only. I mean someone who genuinely LIKES people, likes listening to them, likes serving them, whats to help them make positive and healthy changes in their lives. This is the difference, I think.. between a "salesman" who makes the sales, and the entrepreneur who runs a sustainable and successful business for the LONG TERM. This is the person who gets referral business, and "upsells"- this entrepreneur is NOT there just "for the money" but genuinely cares for the people they for with and FOR. They FOLLOW UP and follow through.. and you don't hear anyone ever saying that they were not available for them.

A strong sense of ethics. As my dear Granny used to say.. your reputation is the ONE THING in this world you can't buy. A very wise lady, and I believe this to be absolutely correct! This is another way of saying, someone who will do the right thing, even if it IS NOT the popular thing. A successful entrepreneur has the critical thinking ability to not only see what is going on around him (or her!) in their chosen field.. but the ability to think independently, and not swim with the fishes if their ethics are compromised. No matter how much money is involved, a successful entrepreneur will have their reputation, their personal brand as an ethical and independent business owner to stand behind proudly.

Patience- a successful entrepreneur will DO the "boring" or "routine" tasks, like accounting or tracking and monitoring performance statistics. Sometimes its SO boring I can feel my hair growing.. but you bet I track, test and tweak all aspects of my business so that I can then use my creative, right brain to look for ways to improve. Which brings up another few qualities

Personal Drive for Improvement- Mama always said, you should put your best foot forward in all things and NEVER SETTLE. Truly great entrepreneurs are always looking to grow their businesses. They are not thinking about "oh, I just want to make a few sales so I can...." they are looking at their next goal, the one after that, after that.. they NEVER STOP growing their business, tweaking and taking it to the next level. When you start your P1D business, your first goal is going to be to get in, get trained and qualify. GREAT! Go DO IT!! But do not ever adopt the mediocre mindset of "well, if I just make 3 sales a month I can quit my job". You will get to that goal and STOP unless you decide to always be GROWING and improving.

A positive "can do" attitude. Look around, look in the SMG and look outside of it.. examine the lives of successful entrepreneurs. Read autobiographies... Notice.. almost every truly outrageously successful entrepreneur on the planet has overcome monstrous adversity, that would keep most "average" people stuck and defeated. I love Earl Nightingale, who said something to the effect that Attitude is the MOST important word in the world. IT IS! Attitude is EVERYTHING.. think about it.. other people, or that "little voice" in your own head that tells you its impossible because it hasn't been done before, or that YOU can't do it because your not (insert excuse here) is GARBAGE programming and junk thinking. Look at the EVIDENCE around you, and realize that you too, CAN do this! Henry Ford said if you think you CAN, you are right.. If you think you CAN'T you are right! So, would you rather be right and successful or right and a failure??? Success is a choice, and it starts with attitude.

Tenacity and Determination.. what others call "sheer grit". Yes, this industry is fabulously FUN, the training and support is bar none, the product is sterling. But darn it, we ALL have days where we just don't FEEL like it. DO IT ANYWAY! Do not let the big picture goal in your mind be diminished by any form of excuse. I mean NONE. I'm successful in my business because I worked at it, I did what I had to do, I stayed plugged in, and I never gave up... even when it DID seem impossible and it WAS hard. I'm on the other side of the fence now.. and I promise you, I would do it all again in a heartbeat because I love what I do, and because I would not be able to have the life I do now IF I WOULD HAVE QUIT! In anything worth having, there will be work involved. The hardest work in this business is working on yourself. I absolutely promise you that! But, it is entirely WORTH IT, because you can live a life that most people will NEVER DREAM OF! So dare to dream, and hold onto your vision even when you can't see the forest for the trees!

NEVER be afraid to tap in and ask for help! There will always be things in life that you don't know and understand.. if you need to learn them- DO IT! Just as you need to stay plugged into your business, you need to plug into the successful, like minded and hardworking people around you. ASK FOR HELP! You would be absolutely SHOCKED by how many people DO NOT reach out to their upline, their team members and fellow colleagues and ask for advice, tips and pointers.

They FOLLOW success. I had a team member say to me the other day, and it quite stuck me.. he said he "used to be ashamed of riding other people's coattails". Hang on, I answered.. that is SMART! Now, I spent enough time in the world of academia to violently abhor plagerism. I don't advocate that.. It is highly recommended that you follow what other successful people in your business and industry do. Try on different techniques and tips for size, and find what works BEST for YOU.. and then BUILDING upon it! My new favourite "janism" is DO NOT RE-INVENT the WHEEL.. but DO figure how HOW TO MAKE IT ROUNDER!!!

They take EDUCATED risks. Entrepreneurs, truly successful business owners ARE risk takers. They know the biggest rewards come with the biggest risks.. and that is why the overwhelming majority of successful people in this business will tell you.. they started out their business at the absolute HIGHEST level they could afford. They did not TRY it out, they COMMITTED to SUCCESS, and they absolutely knew that they were going to conquer success in their dream business, or perish. I realize that is a very strong statement.. but LOOK AROUND and see how many people at the very top were- LIKE ME- in dire financial straits and came in at the higher level.. because they KNEW that they would benefit much more quickly from the higher commissions, and were completely committed to success.

They treat their business LIKE a business. This is a serious business, with an unlimited earning potential! The defining factor, and the only limit upon your success is YOU. YOU will always be the ONLY thing in your way towards success! Newsflash.. if it is not already crystal clear.. as an entrepreneur, YOU are in charge, YOU make all the choices, and so YOU must THINK like a successful business owner. This means planning from DAY ONE for success, and structuring your business so that you will be able to achieve not only your financial goals but your LIFESTYLE goals. You will be a one man band.. so you have to be mindful of not boxing yourself into a corner. Write a business plan, for short, mid and long term.. have a picture and targets of where you want to go. You really HAVE TO KNOW where you are going, in order to get there.

Well, thats my advice for the day!

I hope this gives you some insight, and some food for thought as you begin your journey into the bountiful world of successful entrepreneurism!

Success to YOU, in home based business and BEYOND!

Jani Teeter
Platinum Executive Leader

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